Aconquija National Park

Discover the hidden charm of the Aconquija National Park (in Spanish: Parque Nacional Aconquija), a sublime destination for nature and adventure enthusiasts. This mighty Argentinian park is an oasis of biodiversity, towering landscapes, and authentic experiences awaiting you.

Aconquija National Park Information

Aconquija National Park

Geographical Location

Aconquija National Park is situated in the Tucumán province of Argentina, within the Yungas and High Andes forest region. It spans the departments of Alberdi, Chicligasta, Monteros, Río Chico, and Tafí del Valle. Traveling here is a journey in itself, a route filled with breathtaking panoramic views. While access might pose some challenges, the reward is immense. It can be pinpointed using the coordinates: 27°11′28″S 65°48′50″W.

How to Get There: Park Access

The most recommended way to reach Aconquija National Park is from Tucumán, taking National Route 38 towards Concepción. The journey from Tucumán to Concepción is approximately 75 km. Once in Concepción, you can take National Route 65 for about 17 km until you reach Alpachiri. From there, continue on Provincial Route 330 until you arrive at the public use area in the Santa Rosa zone, where the park is located.
Another option for transportation is to reach the capital of Tucumán, where you can find buses connecting to different parts of the country, as well as daily flights from Buenos Aires and Córdoba.

Once in Concepción or even Alpachiri, you can access the park using public transportation, and from there, you can choose to rent a car, hire a tour guide, or visit a tourism agency. It’s also possible to rent a truck in Concepción to facilitate movement within the park.

History of Aconquija National Park

The history of Aconquija National Park is rich and fascinating, from its earliest indigenous inhabitants to its designation as a national park. Here, you can feel the weight of the centuries and cultural influence in every corner. It merges with the former Campo de los Alisos National Park, established in 1995, and encompasses surrounding areas. One of the primary functions of this protected area is to preserve the sources of the Jaya and Las Pavas rivers, which flow through the eastern region of the Aconquija mountains and flow into the beautiful valleys and farmlands of the Tucumán province. This protection ensures the conservation of these valuable water resources and their significance for the local ecosystem and the communities that rely on them.

It’s an impressive protected natural area in Argentina, located in the Tucumán province. It was created by Law No. 27451 on April 17, 2018, and covers approximately 74,000 hectares, divided into two main sectors that absorb the Alisos Park. As part of Argentina’s National System of Protected Areas, its administration is under the supervision of the National Parks Administration, following the guidelines of Law No. 22351. The park includes lands in several departments, such as Tafí del Valle, Chicligasta, Juan Bautista Alberdi, Río Chico, and Monteros, with its headquarters located in the city of Concepción. It’s an exceptional place that captivates all those who visit.

Climate in Aconquija

The Aconquija region features a subtropical mountain climate, which exhibits notable variations due to altitude. In particular, the area of Ciudad Hospital Parque Aconquija has a climate with special characteristics. During the summer, there are significant precipitation levels, while the climate tends to be drier in winter. The average annual temperature in this area is around 25°C, and the average annual precipitation reaches 687 mm. There are around 172 days without rain per year, the average humidity is 67%, and the UV Index is at 5.

These climatic conditions create a unique environment in Aconquija National Park, where visitors can experience different seasons and adapt to weather changes while exploring the natural wonders of the area. It’s important to consider the climate when planning your visit and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable experience in the park.

Biodiversity: Flora and Fauna Description

Characteristic Flora

Various tree species can be found, with the alder being one of the most prominent. This tree is characteristic of the Montane Forest, located between 1,500 and 2,000 meters above sea level. In this area, the alder forms almost pure forests, creating a charming landscape along with cebil (Parapiptadenia excelsa), tipa (Tipuana tipu), laurel (Laurus nobilis), tarco (Jacaranda mimosifolia), yellow-flowered silk floss (Chorisia insignis), and horco molle (Blepharocalyx gigantea), among others. These large trees are often covered in epiphytes like orchids and Tillandsia species, such as common (Tillandsia pulchella) and giant air plants (Tillandsia maxima).

At an elevation between 1,000 and 1,500 meters above sea level, we enter the montane jungle, characterized by even greater density and the presence of species like walnut (Juglans australis), Tucuman cedar (Cedrela lilloi), elderberry (Sambucus peruvianus), mountain laurel (Phoebe porphyria), horco cebil (Piptadenia excelsa), cochucho (Fagara coco), mato (Eugenia pungens), San Antonio tree (Rapanea laetevirens), ramo (Cupania vernalis), and chal-chal (Allophylus edulis), among others.

Above 1,500 meters, we enter the mountain forest, where we find alder trees (Alnus jorullensis) and mountain pines (Podocarpus parlatorei), which decrease as we ascend towards the high prairie. In this zone, groups of queñoa (Polylepis australis) predominate, creating a unique landscape in the park.

These different vegetation zones in Aconquija National Park are a testament to the rich diversity of flora in the region and provide an impressive natural environment for visitors.

Characteristic Fauna

The diversity of fauna in the park is astonishing. More than 400 species of vertebrates have been recorded, including notable species like guanaco, river otter, Andean cat, mountain frog, ocelot, and Aliso parrot. These species contribute to the biological richness of the protected area and provide a unique environment for observation and study.

In addition to the mentioned animals, the fauna of Aconquija National Park is diverse and captivating. Among the present species are the majestic guanacos (Lama guanicoe), playful river otters (Lontra longicaudis), elusive Andean cats (Leopardus jacobitus), the threatened mountain frog (Telmatobius ceiorum), and the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), among other marvelous animals.

Due to the varied composition of the park, which spans different phytogeographic environments, it stands out for its ornithological richness, being considered an important area for bird conservation in Argentina. The presence of birds such as the Andean hillstar (Penelope obscura), torrent duck (Merganetta armata), and great egret (Ardea alba) has been recorded, as well as parrots like Maximilian’s parrot (Pionus maximiliani), blue-fronted parrot (Amazona aestiva), and Mitred parakeet (Psittacara mitratus). Raptors like the black-chested buzzard-eagle (Geranoaetus polyosoma) or the Southern caracara (Caracara plancus) can also be spotted, along with a wide variety of songbirds.

Threatened or Vulnerable Species

The park is also home to several threatened or vulnerable species, such as the iconic Andean condor (Vultur gryphus), the Diademed Plover (Phegornis mitchellii), the Aliso parrot (Amazona tucumana), Rothschild’s Swift (Cypseloides rothschildi), the Andean gaucho (Agriornis albicauda), the Torrent Duck (Cinclus schulzi), and the Baer’s Finch (Compsospiza baeri). The presence of these species highlights the park’s importance as a refuge for biodiversity conservation and the protection of endangered species.

The fauna of Aconquija National Park is a natural treasure that enriches the visitor experience and underscores the significance of conserving this valuable ecosystem.

Endemic Species

The park is home to a range of endemic species that are found nowhere else in the world. These unique species, both flora and fauna, are a vital part of the park’s biodiversity. For example, the Aliso parrot (Amazona tucumana) inhabits the southern region of South America, in northwestern Argentina and Bolivia.

Diversity of Birds

Aconquija is a paradise for birdwatchers, with a plethora of unique and beautiful species such as the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus), White-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus leucopogon), Torrent Duck (Cinclus schulzi), Citrine Warbler (Atlapetes citrinellus), Blue-fronted Parrot (Amazona aestiva), Sparkling Violetear (Sappho sparganura), Rufous-collared Sparrow (Phrygilus dorsalis), Baer’s Finch (Compsospiza baeri), and Torrent Duck (Merganetta armata).

Within the protected area of Aconquija, you can encounter everything from small songbirds to majestic birds of prey. It’s a true symphony of nature.

Iconic Animals

The park is home to several iconic wildlife species, including the condor, puma, and guanaco. Observing these animals in their natural habitat is a spectacle not to be missed.

Landscape and Geological Features

The Tallest Peaks

The mountain peaks of the park are among the most impressive features of the landscape. The towering Cerro Aconquija rises majestically over the park, offering spectacular views to those who dare to climb it.

Park Ecosystems

The park features a diversity of ecosystems ranging from mountain forests to river valleys, each with its own array of flora and fauna.

Activities and Tourist Attractions

Archaeological Tourism

In addition to its significant biodiversity, Aconquija National Park preserves important archaeological evidence of ancient cultures and historic human settlements in the area. Protecting these archaeological sites is essential for understanding and preserving the cultural legacy of the region.

One of the tourist attractions in the Tucumán province, on the slopes of the Aconquija mountains, is the "Ciudacita" and "Qhapaq Ñan," which reveal the historical legacy of the region. Additionally, its diverse landscapes, ranging from lush jungles to snow-covered areas, all within the same conservation area, make it a fascinating place to explore in the vicinity of Aconquija.

Hiking and Mountaineering Routes

The park offers a range of hiking trails and mountaineering routes that take you through breathtaking landscapes. Regardless of your experience level, there’s a suitable route for you.

Two popular routes in Aconquija National Park for hiking and mountaineering are:

  1. Hike to Cascada Escondida: This route takes you to a beautiful hidden waterfall in the heart of the park. It’s a moderate hike that allows you to enjoy the lush jungle and natural landscapes. The trail provides an opportunity to observe the park’s flora and fauna as you make your way to the waterfall. The sound of the water and the beauty of the surroundings will make this experience unforgettable.
  2. Ascent to Cerro Aconquija: For mountaineering enthusiasts, ascending Cerro Aconquija is a challenge worth taking. This imposing mountain offers panoramic views from its summit. The ascent route is demanding and requires experience and proper preparation, including the use of specialized equipment. However, the reward of reaching the summit and enjoying the majestic views makes the effort worthwhile.

Remember to always be prepared, carry necessary equipment, follow the park staff’s instructions, and respect conservation rules during your journeys on these routes.

Photography and Bird Watching

With its incredible biodiversity and landscapes, Aconquija National Park is a paradise for photographers and bird watchers. Get your camera and binoculars ready to capture the natural beauty at its finest. You can observe everything from small birds like the 5.5-inch Torrent Duck to the mighty Andean Condor with a wingspan of 9.8 feet, a main attraction for bird photography enthusiasts in Aconquija.

Camping and Picnicking

There are designated camping areas and picnic spots that allow visitors to enjoy the park’s natural beauty in a very personal way. There’s nothing quite like spending the night under the starry sky of Aconquija.

Recommendations and Tips for Visitors

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Aconquija Park is from March to November. During this period, you’ll experience warm temperatures and fewer rainfalls. The highest average temperature is recorded in January, reaching 88°F, while the lowest average temperature is observed in June, at 64°F.

This season offers pleasant weather conditions for exploring the park and enjoying its stunning landscapes. The moderate temperatures provide comfort for outdoor activities such as hiking and observing flora and fauna. Moreover, rainfall is less frequent, making mobility easier and allowing you to make the most of your visit.

However, it’s important to note that weather conditions can vary, especially in higher areas, and it’s advisable to check the weather forecast before planning your visit. This way, you can ensure you make the most of your experience.

Essential Gear to Bring

Remember to bring suitable hiking attire, footwear, a water bottle, sunscreen, and if you’re planning to camp, make sure you have all the necessary equipment. Don’t forget your camera to capture the beauty of the park.

Regulations and Park Safety

For safety and conservation reasons, it’s essential to follow all park rules, including carrying your trash until you find an appropriate disposal point, refraining from feeding animals, and staying on designated trails. Remember, we are guests in nature’s home.

Sustainability and Park Conservation

Conservation Efforts

Aconquija National Park strives to maintain and protect its unique biodiversity and ecosystems. Conservation is a priority to ensure that future generations can enjoy this natural paradise.

How Can You Contribute?

Your park visit can be a part of conservation efforts. By adhering to park rules, you can help preserve the beauty and health of the ecosystem. Additionally, any donations to the park contribute to funding its conservation efforts. Your small gesture can make a big difference.

Services and Infrastructure

Accommodation and Food

There are several campsites and shelters available in the park. You can also find places to stay and enjoy typical regional meals in the nearby towns close to Aconquija National Park.

Information and Guided Tours

The park offers information services and guided tours, where experts provide details about the history, flora, fauna, and geology of the area. Take advantage of this opportunity to enrich your experience and knowledge.


You can reach Aconquija Park in Argentina by car or private vehicle, using public transportation services available in the area. Remember to plan your trip in advance and check the available transportation options.


The park has safety measures in place to ensure visitor protection. Follow the instructions of park personnel and stay informed about weather conditions and potential hazards before engaging in any activities.

Enjoy Nature in Aconquija National Park

Immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of Aconquija National Park, where nature reveals itself in all its splendor. Explore its trails, admire its towering landscapes, marvel at its fauna and flora, and contribute to its conservation. An experience you’ll never forget.

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