Queen’s Park Savannah

In Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, you’ll find a lush treasure trove of history, culture, and natural diversity. Queen’s Park Savannah, the city’s lung and Trinidad’s green jewel, is more than just a simple park. With its historic monuments, incredible vistas, rich fauna and flora, and bustling cultural and sporting life, this park is a must-visit for any island visitor.

Park facts

Queen's Park Savannah

Geographical Location

Located in the center of Port of Spain, the park is a green oasis amidst the bustling city life. The circular-shaped park acts as a traffic roundabout within the city, making it an unmistakable landmark.

Park History

The park has a rich history dating back to colonial times, when it was used for sugarcane cultivation. Later, it became the city’s racecourse before being dedicated as public space.

In its early days, Queen’s Park Savannah was land dedicated to sugarcane cultivation. It was acquired by the municipal council in 1817 from the Peschier family, with the exception of a small parcel near its center that served as a family cemetery and is still privately owned.

Initially, the land was used as vast pasture for livestock on the outskirts of the city, but by the mid-19th century, it was established as a park. In the early 20th century, it served as an airstrip when airports were not yet built. Horse races were frequently held in the Savannah racecourse until the early 1990s, and it also contains several cricket, soccer, and rugby fields. Except for a row of trees along its perimeter, the Savannah was never truly landscaped, except for the small area in its northwest corner called "The Hollows", a former drained reservoir now planted with ornamental shrubs.

Cultural and Social Significance

The park holds immeasurable value for the city’s inhabitants, not only as a recreational space but also as the venue for numerous cultural celebrations, such as the famous Trinidad Carnival.


Despite being situated in the heart of the city, it boasts a unique microclimate that sets it apart. This microclimate acts as a cool and green refuge, providing a pleasant relief from the Caribbean heat. Thanks to its lush vegetation and open expanse, the park creates a sense of coolness and breeze, making it an ideal place to escape the high temperatures. Whether strolling along its paths, enjoying a picnic in its shade, or simply admiring its natural beauty, the microclimate ensures a refreshing and enjoyable experience for all its visitors.

Flora and Fauna of the Park

The park is home to an impressive diversity of plant and animal species, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers and birdwatchers. In this urban oasis, you can find birds like the white-necked jacobin and the green woodpecker, mammals like the capuchin monkey and the raccoon, as well as reptiles like the green iguana and the boa constrictor. The park provides a home to an impressive array of diversity. Furthermore, its lush flora, including trees like the ceiba and the almácigo, along with orchids and tropical ferns, complete the picture of this natural gem.

The ecosystem in the area holds significant biodiversity, with a variety of endemic and migratory species that make the park a unique place in the region.

Facilities and Services

Walking and Running Trails

The park features a network of well-maintained trails that invite for leisurely walks or nature jogging.

Picnic Areas and Playgrounds

Moreover, it offers picnic areas and playgrounds for the little ones, making it an ideal place for a family day out.

Other Available Services

In the vicinity of the park, there is also a variety of services such as restaurants, shops, and museums, which enhance the park visit even more.

Cultural Attractions and Points of Interest

Historic Monuments

Around the park, you can admire some of the city’s most significant monuments, such as the Clock Tower of the former Racecourse and the Trinidad War Memorial.

Seven Houses: Magnificent Surrounding Architecture

The Seven Houses are a set of magnificent historic mansions located on the western side of Queen’s Park. These impressive buildings represent period architecture and are a true delight to behold. Each of these houses has its own charm and architectural style, offering a fascinating glimpse into the cultural heritage of Trinidad and Tobago. One cannot miss the opportunity to appreciate the beauty and splendor they possess.

Events and Festivals

Throughout the year, Queen’s Park Savannah hosts numerous events and festivals, the most prominent of which is the Trinidad Carnival, one of the largest and most colorful in the world.

Recommended Activities

Recreational Activities

From picnics and games to bike rides and outdoor yoga, there’s a wide variety of recreational activities to enjoy at Queen’s Park Savannah.

Sporting Events

The park also hosts numerous sporting events throughout the year, including 5K, 10K, and marathon races.

Hiking Trails and Birdwatching

For nature enthusiasts, the park offers the opportunity for hiking trails and birdwatching, with the chance to observe a wide variety of exotic birds.

Getting There and Best Time to Visit

Access and Transportation

The park is easily accessible by both car and public transportation from any point in the city of Port of Spain.

Opening Hours

Queen’s Park Savannah is open to the public every day of the year, from dawn until dusk.

Best Season to Visit

The park is pleasant to visit at any time of the year, although the dry season, which runs from January to May, is especially recommended to avoid the rains.

Visiting Recommendations


While the park is generally safe, it’s recommended to take basic precautions such as keeping your belongings in sight and avoiding poorly lit areas during the night.

Park Regulations

To ensure the preservation of the park and the enjoyment of all visitors, please respect the park rules, such as not feeding the animals and not littering.

What to Wear

To make the most of your visit, don’t forget to bring sunscreen, insect repellent, water, and comfortable walking shoes, as you’ll likely want to explore all corners of this wonderful green treasure. Additionally, it’s advisable to wear light and breathable clothing suitable for Trinidad and Tobago’s warm and humid climate. Don’t forget a hat or cap and sunglasses to protect yourself from the tropical sun. It’s also recommended to carry a raincoat or lightweight jacket in case of sudden showers. With these clothing and accessories, you’ll be well-prepared to fully enjoy your visit.

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